Monday, May 2, 2011

Chronicaling a Fantasy Baseball Season, Part III: Week 5 Picks.

OK, Thriller, please forgive me. I picked against you last week and you promptly won 10-1. Well done. I was 2-2-2 with my picks last week, which means that I was really 2-4.

I have a ball game of my own tonight, so I have to cut the predictions short and get them out there before the games start. I'll get the Review and Preview up later. The little Cubs are about to go kick some Yankee ass.

Explosive Reteria v. Tacoby Bellsbury. Explosive Renteria. Because I have to get this pick right eventually. Also, my apologies to the Renteria’s. Yeah, that was a completely boneheaded move to put Freddie Freeman in for Adam Lind last week. Yes, it cost us the week, I am aware of that and I accept full responsibility. No explanation will ever suffice. It was stupid. I admit it. Let’s move on.

Big Time Timmy Jim v. Purple Tigers. Timmy Jim. The Big Time Timmy Jim’s are a solid squad.

Ruppert Mundys v. Carry on Heyward Son. Let’s see, I picked BobbyJ and his Mundys last week and they got beat 10-1. I’ll go with Heyward Son this week.

The Lobster v. Wuertz Case Scenario. Wuertz Case. Sorry Lobster, but I don’t think it is smart to pick you in any game in any week right now. You may be like the Pittsburgh Pirates of the Rub the Balls and Tug McGraw league. Might want to start building for next year.

Haveyouseenmywiener v. Gangsta. Gangsta. At least Walter put Michael Bourn back in his lineup. I think I might be able to get Alex Rios out right now. It’s in his head at this point. It is hard to hit .071 in 42 at bats if you are truly a major league hitter.

Honey Badgers v. Let Timmy Smoke. Fucking Honey Badgers. You count ‘em out and they take a share of the league lead. With Let Timmy Smoke missing Pablo Sandoval, I’m going with Honey Badgers. Wait, no I’m not. The Honey Badgers picked up Mike Aviles. Fuck that guy. I’m picking against the Honey Badgers until I’m right. Also, I want someone to hate Mike Aviles as much as I do. I really hope he screws Honey Badgers all week. I’m going with Let Timmy Smoke to rally around it’s fallen star and win one for the Panda.

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